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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Internet hates me

No, seriously. It does.

Why have I reached this conclusion? Well once again I have many exciting knitting related things to blog about and loads of really cool pictures to share with you. And once again I can't post them. This time it's to do with the complete meltdown of my home internet connection for reasons I will not bore you with. Mr A assures me he is "sorting it out". How long this will take is in the lap of the gods. Mr A is not known for his prompt action even in a crisis. I would sort it out by signing up with another provider, but from past experience know that this will cause far more trouble than it's worth in the end as whoever I choose will be All Wrong for reasons unspecified. So, I wait for proper service to be restored and in the meantime make sneaky picture-free posts from my computer at work.


Anyway, even without pictures I must say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to my secret pal. I received a huge parcel from her yesterday with lots of goodies inside, which I promise to show you eventually as they are very cool. They included 2 balls of Rowan R2 which I have been eyeing up in the shops for some time now, some extremely funky mohair that has sent my creative side off into pattern searching overdrive, some yummy looking Japanese style peanuts and a book by a guy called Danny Wallace who started a movement that undertakes random acts of kindness. My secret pal attached a note to the front saying that she thought the book was appropriate under the circumstances. What she may not know is that it's really very appropriate as it became clear to me after reading about 2 pages that the author lives in the same apartment block as I do. It's a small world, neh?

The weekend knit-in that I mentioned in my last post went off without a hitch. The girls decided to knit Tamagotchi bags, which was a great idea actually as they were small enough for them to make a reasonable amount of progress in an afternoon. For those of you in blessed ignorance of Tamagotchis they are little electronic pets that beep a lot and need to be fed and played with to prevent them "dying", which seems to me like a fairly traumatic item to give a nine year old girl but nonetheless they seem to love them. They can also "talk" to each other and give each other presents. Apparently there are lots of options for Tamagotchi gift giving but the two that cam over at the weekend restricted themselves to giving each other cake and lumps of poo. Really. Again, the girls seemed to like it. I clearly have no idea how the nine year old female brain works.

Anywho, we had a lovely afternoon all stitching away and I was most delighted by the shouts of "Oh please, just one row more" when RLBF announced she had to take them home. Of course I made a point to get pictures. Including one of RLBF knitting a fiendishly complicated sock from a chart that gave me the hives just looking at it. I will post them eventually. *eyeroll*

Finally I seem to have ground to a slight halt on my Colinette jumper as it is really not very portable due to the freakishly large size of the needles required. I'm going to try and focus on it this weekend as I would really like to be wearing it rather than staring at 90% of it in pieces on my needles. To distract myself from the unportable nature of this project I have started a Feather and Fan shawl in some Interlacements Rick Rack that I bought at Stitches East. More on that in my next post. Suffice to say that one skein of this stuff is 1100 yards worth of yarn. Want to know how long it took me to wind that into balls? 4 hours. Without any significant tangling I might add. I need a swift.


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