The question being how many hats can I knit in an obsessive fashion one after the other for the Dulaan Project before I cast on something else, of course. And here they are:

Dulaan hats
They're quite good, aren't they? I've really enjoyed making them actually. Lots of scope for using up bits and pieces from my stash, plus the fact that I discovered the wonder that is twisted rib when making the white, yellow and brown one on the right hand side of the picture. Seriously, I don't think I'm going to use normal rib ever again. Apart from the project below of course, but more of that later. I'm going to make a few more things and then send them off to F.I.R.E all together. I might make something other than hats I think, because looking at Ryan's blog there are quite a few of those already out there. I think perhaps the Mongolians will need to keep more than their heads warm.
In other news, here is my finished Heathland shawl. She's turned out OK, don't you think? I bow before the power of blocking.

Heathland is finished
And just because I am so amazed at the transformation blocking has caused, here's another gratuitous shots of the lace detail.

Look at my lovely lace!
Heathland will be making her debut 1 week from today as a stylish addition to my concert ensemble, keeping my shoulders warm when I'm not on stage singing. I think she'll be perfect for that.
So now that the lace is done, what am I knitting at the moment? Here's a picture of my progress to date - see if you can guess. Just in case you need a clue, it's a sweater of sorts and I'm knitting it for myself.

What's this going to be then? 
Answers on a postcard. Or maybe just in the comments :)
ETA - Waah! Hello & / or Blogger seem to be malfunctioning. I'm going to leave this for a little while and then repost it if the pictures are still not showing up.
ETA II - Blogger appears to be officially cracked out. The only way I can get pictures to appear at the moment is to post them straight from Hello and then not edit the post so that's what I've done. The pics for this post are in the one above, if you see what I mean. I do hope this goes away soon :/